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Welcome volunteers/leaders/chapter starters/etc if you have any questions, you might find your answer here. If not, you can also contact us at


How do I get my community service hours approved?

  To get community service hours approved, you should first fill out a time sheet. You can either email this to Able Youth, or you can print one out and hand it to a board member, in person. This will go to the executive director. 

What will I have to do as a volunteer?

   As a volunteer, you should choose what group you would enjoy being part of. This is important because the volunteer work that you will do, will correspond with the group you chose.  All work is optional and designed by our directors, however, it'll be a great help to do them. Each assignment will most likely differ in community service hours.

What happens if I want to resign from my team?

   If you don't like your group, you can always quit, please just inform your leader about your resignation. Remember there are quite a lot of teams, feel free to look at other interests.

How do I make a donation?(Money)

   If you would like to make a money donation to Able Youth Alliance, you can go to the bottom of our donation page which includes our GoFundMe and other payment methods. You can also check for updates on our Social Media, and see if we have any fundraisers going on in your area.


For checks/cash mailing-or in general gift mailing.

Please mail out your physical items to :

109 Mountain Ave, Malden, MA 02148



How can I become a director?

   To become a board member, you must be part of Able Youth for at least a year. Every year, in August, on the Becoming a Member page, there will be a form to fill out, and the board members vote on who should be the leaders.

Currently (2023) November, we are short of directors, please email me for an interview so you can become one. We truly appreciate your consideration.

Are there other leading positions?


Yes! You can always start a chapter in your own community. Check out our Chapter Page for further instructions.

   We hope to help you in every way we can. If you have specific questions about your team please contact your team director on the team department page. For even more specific questions you can either email us or head to Board Members.


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